College Funding

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Funding college starts with a clear understanding of what is attainable.  Having the financial capacity to fully fund a four-year private education isn’t feasible for everyone.  We start by looking at your personal finances to identify what resources and income are available to fund a savings plan.  We do our best to find money by eliminating the unnecessary expenses in your life.  Then we look at the most appropriate financial tools to help accomplish this goal.  We will put together a strategy that incorporates financial aid, grants, loans, affordable education, saving and investment strategies.  While most advisors jump right to a 529 Plan, we take the necessary steps to make sure you understand all of your options.  Getting started is easy.  Simply request a complimentary college funding consultation today.

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Financial Aid

How much financial aid are you eligible for?  Use this link to calculate your expected family contribution.  FASFA forms use this calculation to assess your eligibility for financial aid, grants and low interest student loans.  The higher your expected family contribution, the less assistance you will receive.

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College Funding Analysis

Are you interested in a college funding analysis?  Simply follow the link below.  Let us know a few key pieces of information and we will email a full report to you within 48 hours.  This report will include the estimated costs of up to 5 colleges you choose and how many years your current strategy will fund.  This package also comes with a complimentary one hour financial consultation.   Please include the following information in the contact form below

1.  How much have you saved?

2.  How much can you contribute monthly?

3.  How old are your children?

4.  Which schools are you interested in?

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